Friday, January 8, 2010

Song of the Day: "Take a Minute" by K'naan

So, I am going to move my song of the day post from Facebook to here. I think it would be more approprate on this forum anyway. And it seems like a good way to keep this blog active between those major lists that Stevie and I tend to do.

Ok, so here are my Song of the Day "Rules."

Not everyday will get a song, because not everyday will deserve a song. Some days will get more than one song, cause days change. I will try to update as much as possible.

So, for the inaugural Song of the Day:

"Take a Minute" by K'naan
(Normally, I would not outsource an artist's profile, it's something that i really enjoy writing, however, his story is so dramatic, and so powerful that it really should not be abbreviated. And, I have already touched on his story on my best of '09 list)

I am not really, the biggest hip-hop fan. I mean, don't get me wrong, Out of my 50 albums of the decade, 9 were of the Hip-Hip/R&B genre, so I guess it's not out of the question for me to express and share through rhythms and rhymes, but it is not nearly as often that I do it as a song of the day. But this Acoustic, yes an Acoustic rap song has a real message, and it is from one of my albums of the year, and probably number 51 of my albums of the decade. Enjoy

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