Friday, February 26, 2010

A Bucket List Revised

50 Things To Do Before You Die- A Revised Bucket List

After watching a marathon of The Buried Life I am inspired to revisit my bucket list. I think last time I looked at the list like a what you must do to really live a life… as for what I wish for my little sister. I’ve done so many things on my first list already! Now I need to make some ambitious goals. So this time around I’m really challenging myself. I kept in mind that old mantra, if nothing was impossible what would you do? So here it is my own buried life list…

1. Own a cupcake shop
2. Become a published author
3. Have my own art studio
4. Drive in a car by myself… and not have a heart attack…and not kill anyone
5. Run my own non-profit or charity to support education
6. Pay for a strangers dinner
7. Go to the Superbowl
8. Get a song dedicated to me live at a concert
9. Own a piece of couture
10. Paint a mural in a community space
11. Swim with dolphins
12. Do a photo shoot totally naked
13. Learn to snowboard
14. Learn how to surf
15. Mother a child
16. Sing on stage and not suck
17. Design a t-shirt and put it on Threadless
18. Become fluent in another language (not my half-ass Spanish & Italian)
19. Buy a beach house
20. Build a tree-house
21. Hang out with Zach Gilifinakis
22. Facilitate an AFSP chapter
23. Make someones dream come true
24. Live in a foreign country for more than a month
25. Buy a house
26. Work for or better yet own a vineyard
27. Reenact my own Elizabethtown roadtrip
28. Visit the Historic Site for MLK Jr.
29. Be in a movie (not just an extra)
30. Be in the audience at SNL
31. Dance while drinking Sangria in South America
32. Have my own Etsy shop
33. Get tattooed by Corey from LA Ink
34. Own a pair of Manhola Blahniks or Jimmy Choos
35. Give up soda for good
36. Make yoga and meditation an everyday activity
37. Learn how to Hula dance
38. See Jack Johnson play live while in Hawaii
39. Meet Adam Duritz
40. Meet Drew Barrymore and possibly get a job at Flower Films
41. Get a PH D
42. Join a book club
43. Go on a spa vacation
44. Take a sommelier course
45. Learn to Burlesque dance
46. Get out of debt
47. See the Eiffel tower in person
48. Go see a roller derby match- or better yet, join a team!
49. Learn to play the harmonica and...

50. Have a big party thrown for me in my honor


  1. I love your list! It seems we have 16 in common- 2, 12, 16, 18, 23, 24, 29, 30, 33, 34, 36, 39 Way BIG, 45, 46, 47, 48.
    I love the context that you put around it!
    Inspires me to make my own list!
    Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Thanks for commenting! I am glad I decided to go back and really think it through. It was fun and also made me feel like I need to spend less lazy days on the couch and more making my life happen!
