Sunday, February 7, 2010

In Celebration of our 100th Blog Posting, We Would Like To Share Our Bucket List.


Well, we did it. One Hundred Posts. And as surprising as it is to you, it may be ever more surprising to us. If you take a look at the pace this blog began with, you would have been shocked if we made it to 30 postings, rather than 100. But, somewhere along the away, we got our second wind, this blog took on a life of its own and we stumbled into triple digits.

So, to celebrate, we have written a blog together. This is collectively, our bucket list. 100 things to do before you die. It is quite the collection of ideas. You will find mine (Addi's) in Blue, and Stevie's in Pink. As you would expect, our ideas for the same list differ quite a bit. Given the exact same topic, I chose to apply it to myself, and Stevie chose to doll out advice. Which exemplifies our personalities perfectly.
  1. Write a novel.
  2. Meet a hero and realize you’re just as awesome (I put this in my little sisters scrapbook).
  3. Get a degree.
  4. Get into a fight. Win. Then decide you don’t need to do it again.
  5. Publish a novel.
  6. Climb a Mountain.
  7. Write a personal life soundtrack of my life, and the life of my best friend every ten years.
  8. Swim with Dolphins.
  9. Travel Outside of the USA (Canada and Mexico do not count).
  10. Go to a haunted place- a graveyard, a house, etc.
  11. Learn the guitar.
  12. Learn to make a perfect cocktail. You’re choice, just do it well.
  13. Own a home/condo.
  14. Take a roadtrip.
  15. Have a female best man at my wedding.
  16. Learn to forgive.
  17. Have a wedding(s).
  18. Enter a contest- cooking, drawing, something creative.
  19. Have a child(s).
  20. Write down an old persons history.
  21. Attend a Gonzaga Game in The Kennel.
  22. Go to the airport and take the next flight out.
  23. Get that tree tattoo that I am always talking about.
  24. Fish in a lake by yourself. Enjoy it.
  25. Pick at least one song to be used in a TV show or movie.
  26. Break up with Facebook, Myspace, and/or Twitter.
  27. Compete in some kind of competition of a pseudo athletic nature (Musical Chairs Maybe).
  28. Visit Venice, the crumbling city before it’s gone.
  29. Compete in an intellectual competition (Sudoku Maybe).
  30. Live in a foreign country. My choice is Prague.
  31. Right my wrongs.
  32. Visit another country and eat something new even though you don’t know if it’s a meat, vegetable, or anything else.
  33. Be inside a firework. (not sure on the logistics of this one).
  34. Learn another language- use it!
  35. Give an “expert opinion.”
  36. Own a home.
  37. Go to 1 concert a month for a year.
  38. Ice skate at Central Park.
  39. Find a fulfilling job.
  40. Eat dessert for dinner.
  41. Put it on canvas.
  42. Eat breakfast for dinner.
  43. Move to a city that frightens me.
  44. Plant a garden.
  45. Move to a small town.
  46. Put it all on black.
  47. Write a screenplay. Perhaps with pieces of that unfinished novel.
  48. Dance on top of the bar.
  49. Learn to snowboard.
  50. Pass something along to your kids thats valuable in the nostalgic way.
  51. Create my own children’s cereal.
  52. Build something.
  53. Skydive.
  54. Splurge on something you’ve always wanted and feel no guilt.
  55. Go on every single (adult size) ride at the Puyallup Fair. In one visit.
  56. See a Monet or Picasso in person.
  57. Learn the harmonica.
  58. Get on TV. Just don’t take your clothes off.
  59. Take a punch.
  60. See the Coney Island Hot Dog eating contest.
  61. Go to the Final Four.
  62. Join the Polar Bear Club.
  63. Bungee Jump.
  64. See an Olympic event.
  65. Allow a coin toss to make a major life changing decision.
  66. Get published.
  67. Throw a theme party. I am thinking “Search Party” for my 30th.
  68. Watch a marathon of your favorite show from your couch.
  69. Pull an Office Space on a fax machine.
  70. Quit a job and walk out.
  71. Pull off a Mohawk.
  72. Nail a dream job.
  73. Pose for a calendar.
  74. Drive a fast car.
  75. Ride in a sidecar.
  76. Do a Napa Valley wine tour.
  77. Go to Disney World.
  78. Go to Las Vegas and give everyone a fake name.
  79. Write for a sitcom. Even one of those campy ones on Disney or Nickelodeon. iCarly is f’n funny and well written. I would write for that one in a second.
  80. Write a message. Put it in a bottle.
  81. Sell a drawing for painting.
  82. Do something on stage in front of an audience- sing, dance, tell a joke, etc.
  83. Sing in public.
  84. Meet Justin Timberlake. Molest him.
  85. Learn the dulcimer.
  86. Order the most expensive thing on the menu.
  87. Design my own shoe.
  88. Mean something to a kid. Have one. Adopt one. Be a Big Brother/Sister.
  89. Storm Chase.
  90. Eat poprocks and Coke Cola at the same time!
  91. Become a YouTube Sensation.
  92. Visit an island – and Long Island doesn’t count.
  93. Hand out water at a marathon.
  94. Do an Easter egg hunt.
  95. Complete a 3D puzzle.
  96. Vote.
  97. Paint a room with hypercolor paint.
  98. Make a return to snail mail and handwrite some letters.
  99. Create a room made out of old doors.
  100. Keep someones secret.

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