Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Alphabet List: Letter "A"

So, with the first of 26 entries, I present to you my favorite bands that start with the letter "A."

Few rules to lay down for this and these upcoming lists. No "real" names. So, as much as I like Amos Lee and The Avett Brothers, you will not see them on this following list. I did this, in part to make it more difficult, but also, because I have had this fascination with band names lately. Choosing a band name is a huge decision, and Amos did not choose that name, it was given to him. So, he is disqualified.
The most important rule, I have to actually, really love the band, as this is MY list. So, although it would be easy to fill the list with Air Supply, AC/DC, and so on, it would not be something I would put on a playlist and enjoy.

I hope you enjoy my list.

1. Atmosphere

2. The Antlers

3. Arcade Fire

4. As Tall As Lions

5. Animal Collective

6. Augustana

7. A Fine Frenzy

8. The Album Leaf

9. Aerosmith

10. Aesop Rock

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