Friday, March 5, 2010

Baker's Dozen: Bands that Lie!

I have had this list in my back pocket for a few months now. I have been hesitant to post it, mainly because my co-blogger took great enjoyment in poking holes in my logic and the entire argument that is this strange little list. But, I think that it is time to just move past that and post it.

Bands That Lie! Lately, bands have gotten more and more creative with their names, as is especially evident with my Punctuation list. But, some of these bands, including some of my personal favorite are just plain liars. Claiming to be something they are not, and sometimes blatantly and unvaguely. Below you will see 13 big fat liars. This does not take away from their sound, or listenability, unless you have a serious problem with liars. And I love to lie. So, maybe, we shouldn't be friends anymore, reader.

Bishop Allen (No Bishop, Blasphemy. No Allen's, Silly)

We Are Scientists (um, you are musicians)

As Tall As Lions (prove it)

Manchester Orchestra (um, no. From the south. Not an orchestra.)

The Presidents of the United States of America (I have no witty quip for this band, if you cannot tell they are lying, please leave my blog)

Los Campesinos! (the Farmers) (1. not Spanish, not even a little. 2. not farmers, just snarky English kids)

Choir of Young Believers (um, no.)

Cinematic Orchestra (um, no.)

Cold War Kids (Not Kids, Not from the Cold War. I mean, I understand the frontman is a former highschool history teacher, but still, liars)

Arctic Monkeys (This is more of a lie of fact. There are no monkey's in the arctic)

Girls (A band named "Girls," not a single boob in the bunch.)

Volcano Choir (um, no.)

Band of Horses (um, humans.)

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