Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Songs of the Day: "Where You Don't Belong" & "I Miss Hanging With You" by One-Eyed Mule

So, there are some bands that I completely love that NO ONE knows about. You know, every now and then, I'll buy a record based on the name of a band, creative cover art, clever song titles, and whatnot. And 98.2% of the time, it is truly a waste of money. But for these next few days, I will share with you a few of the success stories in my random music ventures.
Today, that band is One-Eyed Mule.
As you can tell, I did not pick up this band based on the name, I mean, honestly, that name kinda sucks, and it doesn't suit them at all. But, who am I to judge. Maybe, I'm wrong. Maybe in Denmark it does suit them. It could be an idiom for very large penis in Danish for all I know. But I digress.

Anyways, I found this band like 2 years ago while watching the travel channel. Some random show with a scene at a bar that had a band playing in the background. Interested, because they didn't suck, and I caught a glimpse of a gig poster (i love me some gig posters) and jotted down the name. Turns out, this is not the band that was gracing that stage, but it was still a valued purchase nonetheless.

Their 2008 release slotted at number 43 on my best albums of the decade list, and if written again, this first track would be in the top 20 of my best songs of all time list.. So, that says something. I have included two songs from that release, one is just a slide show video, which I hate to use, but its all there is. The other is a "music video" and I use that term very loosely.

Again, this is a band that has very little exposure in the US that I know of, so it is hard to find anything. When a band doesn't even have a wiki page.....

"Where You Don't Belong" by One-Eyed Mule (one of my ALLTIME favorite songs)

"I Miss Hanging With You" by One-Eyed Mule

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