Sunday, June 6, 2010

Band of the Week: Samantha Crain

So, I went to a show last night to see First Aid Kit, and although they did not disappoint, they did not completely impress either. However, I was abnormally impressed with an opening act. I walked into The Vera Project a fan of First Aid Kit, and walked out a fan of Samantha Crain. She stands as tall as her guitar, she is small in stature, however, her voice towers a good 9 feet tall. I cannot stress enough how much power and beauty she filled the room with.

Oh, and she substituted an electric guitar (band mate quit before the show) with a kazoo. And it worked, well.

Here are some examples of the aweness. You can say you heard her first when she is everywhere next years.
Her new album comes out on Tuesday. Buy it. Support independent music!!!

Band of the Week: Samantha Crain
(and The Midnight Shivers)
Her new album is just under her name alone, and she mentioned a band member leaving, So I am not quite sure on the official name.


"The Dam Song"

"Santa Fe" (from the new record coming out on tues)

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