Thursday, March 3, 2011

My Up and Coming Music List. 2011.

Inspired by Stevie's Up And Coming Book List, I am going to start the same thing with my music purchased for the year. I found this to be really useful in 2010, that I am starting even earlier for 2011.

My favorite blog to write is my year end music review. And it be honest, I start it in January of each year. I start collecting music as soon as possible, and use a smart playlist to amass them all in one place for easy listening and examining.
Below you will see a quick list of the albums I have picked up so far this year. I will try to update them every month or so. If I have an opinion of the record, will post a quick note, but keep in mind, I may change mine.

For now, just alphabetical order, until I collect enough and start forming concrete opinions, rather then the snap judgments I currently possess.

Adele - "21" ----- So far, easily one of my favorites. I am not sure how long it will stick with me. It is so emotionally ripe, that it wears me out to listen too it. For now, that is a great ride, but it might get tiresome.

Angus & Julia Stone - "Down The Way" ----- Yes, this was released in 2010. But I consider the last quarter of last year, a part of this one. It is too hard to fall in love with a record in 3 months, let alone, digest it enough to know if its crap or not. But, so far, this one is NOT crap. It is mellow and breezy and wonderful.

The Cave Singers - "No Witch" ----- I was so excited for this record release, a northwest band that I expect to do major things. I have not given it the listen it deserves yet (blame Adele), but form what I have heard, it is a stout record.

The Civil Wars - "Barton Hollow" ----- I love this band. This record, their first full length, is exactly as it should be. Is it for everyone? No, probably not. But, for a folk/blues/singersongwriter hound like me, it is wonderful.

Cold War Kids - "Mine Is Yours" ----- Easily the most disappointing record of the year. Still does not come within an iota of this bands debut. They lost their way. They went from sounding distinctly like COLD WAR KIDS, to trying to sound like a radio friendly, borderline KINGS OF LEON tribute band. I have nothing against the Kings, but they could not hold a candle to Kids "Robbers & Cowards."

Hercules & Love Affair - "Blue Songs" ----- Not memorable, but not forgettable. Some great tracks. Some awful ones.

Jessica Lea Mayfield - "Tell Me" ----- I didn't know apathetic could be sexy. But someone. Jessica Lea Mayfield makes it happen. Her voice has an "I have feelings, but I don't give a shit" vibe to it that is impossible to describe until you hear it. Now, does that voice make this a good record? I think it might.

Lulu & The Lampshades - "Cold Water EP" ----- Quirky and great. I wish there were more.

Lykee Li - "Wounded Rhymes" ----- Best of the year so far. But I have only listened to it twice.

Rural Alberta Advantage - "Departing" ----- This record makes me mad. Like I REALLY want to like it, but something is off. It's like a different voice all together from their previous release that I fell in love with. I am not saying it's out of the running, if I let go of my expectations, I may find a very nice record.

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