Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Best of: Empire State of Mind vs. Posse On Broadway - Part Two - NW

When this blog was started, back in 2007, it was orchestrated over many many miles. 2871 miles to be exact. Stevie, at the time was a very proud New Yorker, and I myself have always been a lifelong Washingtonian. Now, even though Stevie has returned to her roots, she still celebrates her time in NYC on a daily basis, as it lives within her. And as for me, I do not think you will find a bigger Tacoma/Seattle Whore, as it is more then just a home, its a culture.

These two blogs will celebrate the cities/areas that makes your bloggers who they are. These are our best of lists, now it's Addi's turn. (You'll see my list focuses mostly on Tacoma, with a few splashes of Seattle)

Best Eats (Fancy): Over the Moon Cafe. Opera Alley, Tacoma. {Now, when I think fancy, I don't think champagne and caviar, I think romance. And this is my favorite 3rd date restaurant.}

Best Eats (Cheap): Frisco Freeze, 6th Ave. Tacoma {easy easy easy pick}

Best Place to People Watch: Ruston Way Waterfront. {This picture does not do the scene justice. During the summer it is crammed with people watching people, and 1 roller skating juggler}

Best Neighborhood: Even tie between the charm of the Proctor District and the old world beauty of the Stadium District. {Yes, in Tacoma, we have districts instead of Neighborhoods.}

Best Place to see Art: Museum of Glass, Dock Street, Tacoma {incredible place to just meander}

Best Band from The NW: The Head and the Heart {Like Stevie, I could have picked like 30 others, but I decided to go with a right now caveat to make it easier}

Best Trend: the word "Filthy" {Seattle tends to have its own language. From Hella to Filthy we are unique. This video, about the making of "My City Is Filthy" tee-shirts gives you a good glimpse into the word"}

Best TV Show based in the NW: Grey's Anatomy {the list to choose from was not nearly as long as Stevie's, so, this will have to do}

Best Landmark: Point Defiance Park {From Owen's Beach, The Zoo and Aquarium, The Five Mile Drive, The Rose Garden, The Native Garden, Camp 6 Museum, The Rhododendron Garden, The Ferry Docks, to all the other nooks and crannies of the decrepit Neverland Park, this 702 acre park (second biggest public, urban park in the country, behind Central Park, will keep you entertained all day}

Best Book based in the NW: The Art Of Racing in the Rain {Again, not a long list to choose from, had to pick something I have not even read, but is on my shortlist. Stevie loves it at least}

Best Movie Based in the NW: I Love You To Death, 1990. {Filmed all over Tacoma, it was an easy choice, as I have already written this list. Hometown Love: Best Films Filmed in Tacoma}

Best Movie Based in the NW part 2: Say Anything, 1989 {Filmed mostly in Seattle, this is one of my all time favorites, and I could not leave it off. The famous, Friends with Potential scene below, was filmed in Tacoma at Bob's Java Jive}

Best Quiet Place: The cliffs of The Five Mile Drive {I call this, my thinking cliff. Not the sign, but the cliff the sign is warning against. If you find that sign, you can find my spot}

Best Breakfast: Marcia's Silver Spoon Cafe, Tacoma. {Not the place to be if you are short on time or on a diet. This small, often pact dinner is still one of Tacoma's Hidden gems. I almost cringe at posting it. But this blog has got to be honest. Just take this tip, ask for cheesy browns}

Best Movie Theater: The Grand Cinema, Stadium District, Tacoma. {An arthouse theater, run completely by volunteers, this is what independent cinema is all about. Not to mention some great films roll through here long before the go elsewhere.}

Best Place to see a Show (Fancy): The Triple Door, Seattle. {Granted, I have only been here one time, but the place took my breath away. Fantastic}

Best Place to see a Show (Dive/Cheap): The Tractor Tavern, Ballard, WA {There are about 4 places all within a 4 block strip in Ballard that could fill this bill. The Sunset Tavern is a very close second. The Conor Bryn Pub is right up there with them, and not far behind, for those who like a harder sound, is the 2 Bit Saloon. I think I have just decided I want to live in Ballard}


  1. 1. I've never been to the Over the Moon cafe - we can't go on a third date but will you still bring me?
    2. Not cool doing Part 1's and 2's- I had to choose just one!!!
    3. Good call on I love You to Death.
    4. I've never been to the Grand either!
    5. The cliff picture reminds me of that movie we filmed :)

  2. 1. That surprises the hell out of me. We should go there sometime for dinner. Well pretend like its a date that is going very poorly. Make the waitress feel really bad for me.
    2. I do what I want.
    3. I knew you would love that one. Do you on Say Anything?
    4. See number 1, but switch waitress to entire movie theater crowd.
    5. Do you still have that atrocity?

  3. The Art of Racing In the Rain is a really good book!
