Okay, so I started todays hunt for the song of the day by searching for awesomely bad 90's tracks. But then when on my new mini obsession, twitter (thank you Stevie), an amazing band I follow, that if you read this blog you will hopefully know by now too, The Civil Wars mentioned a local band that I am also having a mild love affair with. That prompted an abrupt right turn in my thinking. So, I scoured my resources (google, youtube, and vimeo) and found a great live version of one of my new all time favorite songs, this week.
This song is just one of those songs that sticks to your ribs. Just as soon as you fall into the melody, it tosses a left hook that is nothing short of a sucker punch, catching you totally off guard and bringing a new layer of pepperminty freshness to an already fresh song. All in all, its like three songs in one, and each one is nothing short of a revelation.
I have mentioned to several people that 2010 has fallen unbearably short in amazing music. Sure, there has been a couple quality albums, but only one spectacular (Wakey!Wakey!'s "Almost Everything I'd Wish I'd Said The Last Time I Saw You") but overall, the year has been a scattershot of ok. And, not to put pressure on the band, but I am putting a lot of eggs in their basket to resurrect the year.
(Photo stolen from the bands facebook page, I do not know the rights to this image)
This band is on the ups. They are releasing their LP this upcoming week. Pick it up, support local music. Support independent music! http://www.theheadandtheheart.com/
Also, if you have not already discovered them, check out The Civil Wars too. From their blog, they are on the tail end of wrapping up their full length as well.
If you want to know more about them just look here:
The Civil Wars were a Song of the Day. They were #2 on The Alphabet list "C". There were #4 song of the year, however, if I were to rewrite this today, they would be #2. They were the #2 EP of the year, as well as an Honorable Mention for their Live at Eddie's Attic record on my Year in Music Review. So, if The Civil Wars like something, its worth checking out.
"Sounds Like Hallelujah" by The Head and the Heart.
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