Tuesday, January 17, 2012

12 In 2012 Series: Most Anticipated Albums

And now we continue our series we're calling the 12 in 2012. Our top 12 books/music/movies/[insert other awesome thing] to look forward to in 2012. 

Today: Most Anticipated Albums!
Side note, this list was very hard to narrow down. I could do a list of 50 albums I'm excited for, so if you notice something missing, understand that I mean no disrespect to your favorite band or anything, it was just hard to choose and I had to go with my gut.

12. Jason Mraz - Title TBD
I know it's not cool to like The Mraz, but I have yet to pick up an album of his that I didn't like. And I don't care if that makes me slightly uncool. I don't share music on here to be cool. I share music because I can't not share music. It is my nature. And, liking Jason Mraz is apparently in my nature. And, damn, he can write a song.
"I Won't Give Up"

11. Clock Opera - "Ways To Forget"
Clock Opera stormed the castle that was my 2011. Their song Belongings blew me away and landed near or on top of all my 2011 lists. And this new song, from their upcoming album has my hopes very high.
"Once and For All"

10. Choir Of Young Believers - "Rhine Gold"
This Danish's 2009 release is one of the strongest records I have heard in years. Although I enjoyed this record that year, it did not climb any of my lists. It has taken years to see how valuable this album is to my collection. Out of all the albums from 2009, aside from Slow Club, The Temper Trap, and The Swell Season, this is the album I listen to the most. I cannot wait to see what they do next.

9. Nico Stai -Title TBD
OK, so this is just a rumored release, but it needs to happen. Nico released his full length in 2006, a coulple EP's in 2008 and then silence since. And it's killing me. He has the most unique voice and lyrics out there right now, and he needs to make new noise in 2012.
"Borrowing Cars" (from 2006)

8. The xx - Title TBD
I am torn here. I am very excited for this record, but the sophomore slump has been well documented.  With a band this talented, and given the fact they have taken appropriate time and not rushed things, I have faith this should be a success.
"Open Eyes" (Demo version

7. First Aid Kit -  The Lion's Roar
These Swedish sisters took to Omaha Nebraska to record their follow up album. And from what I heard of it, I could not be more excited. The ladies have really matured, but not lost their voice. I think this is a shoe in for the year end lists.
"The Lion's Roar"

6. The Temper Trap - Title TBD
This album is only mentioned in hushed tones around the internet. This is a band that scares me, this is a band that I fear will suffer the sophomore slump. However, they have recruited Beck's producer Tony Hoffer, so that is a step in the right direction. I am hopeful.

5. fun. - "Some Nights"
I'm gonna be honest, I am having a little trouble not holding the sudden popularity of fun. against them. They were always one of my little secrets. And my second favorite band of 2009. Their album Aim and Ignite still rocks my world. But, I am going to swallow my pride and accept that very soon, if not already, fun. is going to be a name on everyones lips.
"We Are Young" 

4. John Mayer - Born And Raised
Another uncool album to look forward too, and I should really put this lower, especially with how disappointing I found Battle Studies. but considering how much I have LOVED all of this guys other releases, I can't help but be super excited.
"Born And Raised"

3. Lemolo - Title TBD
This Seattle duo has stolen my heart for well over a year now. But, with very little studio stuff released, it has been a long year. Finally that wait is nearing its end. The lovely ladies have announced they have finished all but the mastering/mixing of the album, and it should be released shortly. I expect super big things from these ladies. And you should too.

2. Noah Gundersen - Title TBD
This is fresh news. While at the show on 1/13/12 (which you can read about here) he mentioned that he and Abby are heading to the studio next month to start work on their new record.  (And I am making an assumption that it will be released in 2012 to include it on this list.)I could have shit my pants right there. He played 2 or 3 new songs, and he is just getting better and better. It's kinda hard to believe.
"Fear Thou Not" (I'm guessing on the title)

1. Right Away, Great Captain! - The Church of the Good Thief
Andy Hull can do no wrong in my eyes. No matter if its with Manchester Orchestra, Bad Books, Solo or with RAGC, he can do no wrong. This album is going to be something special, as it is the final chapter of a trilogy of records about a sailors long journey home. Every song off the previous two records stills my soul, and I expect nothing less of this one.

Other Albums to look forward too, listed randomly. 
Lana Del Rey
Mumford and Sons
Allo Darlin'

1 comment:

  1. Yep, I'm waiting for Lemolo's release too xo
