And now we continue our series we're calling the 12 in 2012. Our top 12 books/music/movies/[insert other awesome thing] to look forward to in 2012.
Today: Most Anticipated Albums! Part 2
Addi posted his here yesterday and by request, here's my version. As always we agree on about 2. -Stevie
12. The XX - Title TBD
Listologies has long been a fan of The XX, even when we feared that they had broken up for good. I'm hoping that this next album will A) be awesome B) not have one song played repeatedly over and over on the radio as if the rest of the album doesn't exist- yes I'm talking about "Crystalized" and yes I'm talking to you The End.
"Islands" {acoustic 2010}
11. The Fray - Scars & Stories
Yes I know, everyone and their kid sister listens to The Fray now but I still love them. They're like my guilty pop pleasure. I still love Cable Car and probably always will (and thank god its finally off the radio). By now you've probably heard their first single "Heartbeat" which is just okay for me but I'm digging this track so maybe it'll be promising afterall?
"The Fighter"
10. Ben Kweller - Go Fly a Kite
He rocks. Nuff said. Go listen here to an awesome musical collage of the heads/tails of his new album and enjoy a little cover of Today by the Smashing Pumpkins by BK in BK!
"Today" {Cover: Smashing Pumpkins 2007}
9. Andrew Bird - Break it Yourself
I would be remiss not to include Andrew Birds latest (sure-to-be) masterpiece on my albums to look forward to in 2012. 14 new tracks and the only preview I've seen is 30 seconds and I'm already psyched. This will be one to buy on vinyl and listen to on surround sound.
8. Damien Jurado - Maraqopa
The first time I saw Damien Jurado was 2001 with Rosie Thomas (what a pair!) then Addi and I saw him again in 2010 with The Head and the Heart. I'm sure you're thinking, wait, Listologies is excited about a Singer/Songwriter?? And yes, I'm still a card carrying Jurado fan, not only is he a Seattlite but the first song I heard from Maraqopa is haunting in that Jim Morrison kind of way that always sweeps me off my feet.
"Nothing is the News"
7. Nelly Furtado - Lifestyle
I've been a fan of Nelly Furtado FOREVER. Seriously, this is one artist that I can honestly say I knew about before all my friends. In fact she kind of said it herself! In late 2000 I fell in love with "I'm Like a Bird" (c'mon, I was a college freshman) and won concert tickets to an acoustic show at Benaroya Hall Symphony Hall- about 100 people max, Nelly Furtado, Sister Hazel and Shawn Mullins (Addi will never let me live it down that I didn't bring him). I get in line WITH Shawn Mullins to have Ms. Furtado sign my CD and after talking she says "you're like my first real big fan!" to which yes, you could dismiss as something you say to everyone, except fast forward to her 2006 release party in NYC and she remembers me! So there you have it, my geek out moment.
"No Hay Igual" {2006}
6. Santigold - Master of My Make Believe
I heard that Santigold was finally making a follow up to her 2008 Santogold album that made LES Artistes the track I played most that summer. Getting info on the new album however was work until literally 24 minutes ago when she released her first single off of Master of My Make Believe "Big Mouth" - going to give it a few more listens before I make up my mind...
"Big Mouth"
5. Fiona Apple - Title TBD
Those of you that are long time Fiona Apple fans know that this is quite possibly just a part of the rumor mill although Metacritic has it listed as a 2012 release (Billboard, MTV, even the New York Times had a release date of 2011 so...) There are at least a half dozen Free Fiona forums, sites, and even the #freefiona #ReleaseFiona on Twitter and yet her website seems untouched by the likes of Fiona herself or her captor, I mean music label, Sony Music. In the mean time, another conspiracy, is this "Elle J" really Fiona? Listen for yourself...
"The Runaway" by Unkle {2010}
4. Temper Trap -Title TBD
As Addi stated on his Most Anticipated Albums list here Temper Trap is very hush hush about their new album set to come out in June. If you've been to some of their live shows it sounds like they may have played you some of the new stuff but haven't gotten down to naming anything yet. I'm hoping that TT 's latest album can stand up to Conditions, as I too am afraid of the sophomore slump. The band working with Tony Hoffer (Beck, Phoenix, Goldfrapp) bodes good things.
"Sweet Disposition" Live from SXSW
3. Regina Spektor - What We Saw From the Cheap Seats
I have come to expect only amazing things from Regina Spektor. Perhaps most famous for that intro to (500) Days of Summer, she's popped up on our site before, here on my Best of the Decade list at #17 and here on the Best Songs of 2009 at #8 & #1(!!!) I can only hope that What We Saw From the Cheap Seats is as good as Far was in 2009.
"Us" {2009}
2. Lana Del Rey - Born to Die
SNL performance aside I die over Lana Del Rey. Her pouty lips, the awkward calamity that is her music videos, her haunting vocals (thanks sound engineers for the awesome reverb work!) I think she's going to have two camps: the ones that love her and the ones that hate her. I'm standing firmly on the love her side. Can't wait to get this on vinyl.
1. The Shins - Port of Morrow
Admittedly I'm a huge Shins fan. Always have been. One of my biggest regrets in life is leaving for NYC the same weekend The Shins played a free show at my University. Like Addi often says with his favorite bands (see every band that Addi thinks he invented) I'm a little sad about The Shins mainstream blowup particularly after Garden State (Zach Braff is kind of a genius). This is a long anticipated album for me and I'm hoping it will be a grown up return to Oh, Inverted World.
"Simple Song"
First Aid Kit
Mumford and Sons
The Decemberists
Neon Trees
Magnetic Fields
Best Coast
Dirty Projectors
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