Song of the Day: "The Story" by Brandi Carlile

>> Saturday, January 30, 2010

I have a whole buttload of dumb rules that I try to follow while choosing my songs of the day. I do not like to repeat artists. I want to mix up genres, however, I do not like to do a hip-hop song more than once a week. Every third or 4th song needs to be a throwback of some sort. I do not have women listed back to back. And most of all, I try to stay away from those cliche, romantic songs that everyone already knows and hears at weddings all summer long.

However, this song, breaks several of those rule, primarily the last two I mentioned. If you saw yesterdays song of the day, you would have heard this great, powerful sad voice coming from the meek little singersongwriter. And today, my choice is not far off from that.

This song, is power and gives me chills whenever I hear it. Yes, it is another woman. Yes, it is a singersongwriter. Yes, it is a sappy, wedding-esq love song. Deal.

"The Story" by Brandi Carlile


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